I'm moving out of my apartment early next week for the summer so I've been packing and cleaning everything in sight. Before I packed my favorite coffee mugs away, I wanted to share them with you.

I've loved Princess Leia as long as I can remember and this mug is proof. My grandparents brought this back for me from a trip to Florida when I was little; I'm not sure exactly when, but the copyright date on the bottom says 1989. I've always wanted to be Princess Leia for Halloween, but last year I was Rosie the Riveter and the year before that Rosie O'Donnell from A League of Their Own. This year!

I'm not sure exactly where this one came from; it just appeared in my college apartment and no one claimed it when everyone moved out. I have some buttons in a similar style that say "Smart Women Vote 2004" (a little outdated), but one's a lady pirate and lady police officer.
Does anybody else have cool feminist gear? Post pictures!
I believe the fact that you admit to dressing up as Rosie O'Donnell for Halloween tells a lot about you....
It says she's creative! I never would have come up with that idea!
I have no problem with it... My roommates and I went as the team and everyone naturally fit into specific characters. It's one of the best costumes I've ever made!
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