Tuesday, June 10, 2008

180 Days

That's how long you have to report pay discrimination. In six short months after a pay discrimination decision was made, you must report that discrimination. Any reports about past pay discrimination or long term discrepancies will be legally ignored.

Oh, you don't feel comfortable asking your co-workers what they make in comparision to you the day you begin your job? Or, wait, you're not even supposed to talk about pay? Too bad...for you.

Thanks to Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Compay, companies can continue paying women less than their co-workers. As long as the women don't find out about it.


Anonymous said...

Well, for one, if there are employees already present, and they make more than you when you start...

It's not discrimination. It's the fact that they've been there longer, and have earned raises.

lindsay said...

But if you started in the same position as someone else and were paid less upon starting, that's discrimination.

Anonymous said...

So, if you have the same position as someone else, and they've been there longer, and make more than you, it's discrimination?


If someone has had position A for a year, and makes 2 dollars/hour more than someone that just started that position, it's called seniority, not discrimination.

If two people are given the position at the same time, and one makes more, it's very well possible that the other has more education in the field, or more experience in the field.

Employers are not required to give two employees doing the same job, the same salary. They're allowed to factor in education and experience. Paying someone more because they have more of either or both of those, and are therefore more valuable, isn't discrimination.

Anonymous said...

"But if you started in the same position as someone else and were paid less upon starting, that's discrimination."

Point out some cases of that and maybe I'll take your argument seriously. Otherwise, you got nothing but musings with no support.

I also agree with anonymous' post. Education and experience are major factors. Paying a woman the same amount as a man who has seniority and more education is, in fact, discriminatory against men.