Monday, August 11, 2008

NWLC: Women worried about the future... well, yeah, everyone should be

From the National Women's Law Center:

According to a newly released poll conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates for the National Women’s Law Center, women are significantly more pessimistic than men in their attitudes about the status quo in America, both on a societal level and in terms of their own lives. Women are more likely than men to feel that they are falling behind economically, and are more likely than men to be worried and concerned about their economic prospects.

“Women today face enormous challenges,” states Marcia D. Greenberger, Co-President of the National Women’s Law Center. “They often struggle to achieve economic security and health care that meets their needs, and face difficulties securing access to equal education and employment opportunities.”

The statistics are alarming: One in four girls drops out of high school. More than 14 million women live in poverty, and more than 17 million women have no health insurance. Women still earn only 77 cents for every dollar paid to men. When women volunteer the most important issues facing American women today, they are most likely to cite: health care issues (including women’s health issues); pay for women and the issue of equal pay; opportunities for women in the work place; education; child care issues; and women’s rights in general.

This is no surprise - other data shows that women are disproportionately affected by the economic depression, slowndown, mush, or whatever you'd like to call it. I'd like to note that the linked article states women earn 80 cents to every white man's dollar - wrong (white women - 77 cents, black women - 63 cents, Latinas - 52 cents to every white man's $1.o0).

If 59% of women are worried about the future compared to 46% of men, I've got the feeling some men (and women) aren't pay enough attention. If women are disproportionately affected by the economy, well then damn right they're going to be more worried about the future.

I find this one pretty interesting: 77% of women said it was very or extremely important that the new president and Congress take on the issue of pay equity after they are sworn into office in January.

What's that? Women support the (idea of) the Paycheck Fairness Act? Who knew?! Certainly not Bush, who has threatened to veto the bill, saying it will cause a surge in litigation.

When President "W stands for Women" Bush threatens vetoing a bill that will work towards paying women equally, of course women are going to be worried about the future. It's just one of the signs indicating that this administration doesn't give a damn about the systematic oppression of women and, in fact, works to aid that oppression.

So yeah, I'd say there's a lot to be worried about.

Thanks to the heads-up from our friends at the National Women's Law Center, their Womenstake blog about their survey, their Platform for Progress, and a piece from Politico.


Amelia said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this Lindsay. I owe you big time.

lindsay said...

Between updating websites and searching for stock photos of old white people exercising, it's the least I could do!

habladora said...

Great post. I just hope this worry translates into action by and on behalf of women. Yes, there is a lot to worry about. There is also a lot that we can do to fix the problems that face us.

lindsay said...

Although I focused on the stats of the survey, NWLC did put out a Platform for Progress to help fix many of these disparities. You can find it here: